Instructor, Music Therapy
Gray Baldwin, MA, MT-BC, of Main Street Music Therapy, specializes in working with LGBTQAI2S+ children, teens, adults, and older adults. They have thirty years of music therapy clinical experience at behavioral health settings, medical and hospice settings, schools, and community music therapy. Their work centers in humanism, queer theory, & culturally responsive practices. They specialize in queer issues, minority stress, identity development, acute and chronic pain, trauma, and stress. In addition, they teach at several universities and colleges courses that focus on research, music therapy in medical settings, practicum, supervision, mindfulness, ethics, and culturally responsive practices. Their scholarship has centered around cultural responsiveness and anti-oppressive practices, pain, and electronic music technologies. They have served AMTA for many years in positions that range from regional to national to the board of directors. In their creative life, they play guitar and sing as well as have many other creative ventures. Mainly, they are a woodworker (wood turning and hand carving) and a wool crafter (needle felting and knitting).