School Of Music And Theatre Professions News

Kate Herrera Jenkins ’98 (music therapy) has brought Iron Tribe Fitness, a gym dedicated to changing lives through nutrition and functional fitness

James Asmus ’03 (drama) was nominated for two Harvey Awards, the comic book industry’s equivalent to the Oscars.

Loyola University New Orleans sophomore Tyler Lindsay’s musical talents on trumpet put him at the top of his class on a world stage, and for that,

Bridgette Yancy ‘02 (music education ) has been teaching music for 12 years, which includes teaching elementary music in New Orleans; Atlanta; and

Gerry Miller ‘99 (music education) was featured in the March issue of The Instrumentalist, a prestigious publication for music educators nationwide

Annie Halbert ’11 (music), a current vocal graduate student and a Loyola staff member in the University Honors Program, competed in the Metropolita

Bryan Hymel, '01, was the First-Prize Winner of the 2008 Licia Albanese/Puccini Foundation Competition, the 2008 Loren L.