Professor of the Practice of Organ, Theory, and Voice
Marcus St. Julien is a native of New Orleans, where his earliest training included piano study with Marie Théard, and organ study with Anne L. Ganucheau, Elise Cambon and Herndon Spillman. He holds the Bachelor of Music degree in organ performance from Loyola University, and the Master of Music degree in music theory from Indiana University. Dr. St. Julien earned the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in organ performance from the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University, under the direction of Clyde Holloway.
From 1983 to 2004 Dr. St. Julien was Organist-Choirmaster at the Church of St. Thérèse of Lisieux in Sugar Land, Texas, and was the organist for many functions of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Galveston-Houston. In April of 1992 he won first prize at the graduate level of the twenty-first annual Wm. C. Hall Pipe Organ competition in San Antonio, Texas. He has been heard in recital throughout the South, including a program for the 1989 national convention of the Organ Historical Society in New Orleans, as well as the dedication recital of the Dobson pipe organ at St. Joseph's Abbey in Covington, Louisiana in 2001. Dr. St. Julien’s recording of the St. Joseph’s Abbey dedication program was released in 2004 by Raven Records. He is the organist of Temple Sinai Reformed Congregation, and is an instructor on the faculty of the College of Music and Media at Loyola University, teaching organ, music theory and voice.

Loyola University New Orleans
School of Music
6363 St. Charles Ave.
Campus Box 8
New Orleans, LA 70118